Dj Soundoferror on WNUR Evanston 89.3FM from 2013-2016 every show is archived here >below are a few examples of each program


A mind boggling eclectic broadcast mix of EVERYTHING. No holds barred: live performance with laptop, ciat-lonbarde cocoquantus, & eurorack modular synth, records, cds & tapes: rock, electronic, classical, improv, prog, funk, fusion, techno, mash-up, 20th-century classical, spoken word, music concrete, noise, minimalism, atonal, ambient, jazz, 80’s, sometimes all at the same time. Purity vs. density. quiet to cacophonous. Nothing is sacred.


feature focused on groundbreaking, old and new synthesizer sounds, experiments, AND music and focusing on synth music made by members of the Modwiggler forum. incorporating the studio as mix instrument, multiple sources and live synthesis action.